Difference between Tsugaru strings and Nagauta strings?

What is the difference between these two? Gauge or length? I need to order some new strings, and I was thinking about getting the set with all the extra strings, but it’s for Tsugaru and I have a nagauta shamisen.

I think tsugaru strings are of somewhat different materials (and/or heavier gauge) - is silk ever used for ichi no ito? Obviously longer too due to the longer sao, but it may be all strings have plenty of extra. I understood concert level nagauta use all silk strings, but don’t quote me on this…

You could probably ask Bachido to deliver nagauta strings, but it may be easier just to order the strings from somewhere else.

Cool. I’d actually prefer a thicker gauge, so I may get the Tsugaru set.

There is no rule against putting Tsugaru strings on a Nagauta, after all. :wink:

Cool. I’d actually prefer a thicker gauge, so I may get the Tsugaru set.

There is no rule against putting Tsugaru strings on a Nagauta, after all. :wink:

No, but they might not fit in the itomaki :slight_smile:

They might not fit in the itomaki…at first! :wink:

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My Jiuta teacher only use silk strings including my. She only sell nylon third string because it is durable for her students. Silk strings sound much better. Even third string gives distinctive sound as the vibrate against the sao which nylon is absent and they don’t slip easily when you “hajiki”

I don’t think Tsugaru shamisen use silk as the strike aggressively.