Yo Yo! I heard this
And I was thinkin’ that Shamisen that kicks in at 42 seconds in sounds sick!
If you know how to play by ear than this would seem REALLY EASY!
I would love if someone here knew how to transcribe it and send it to me.
Yo Yo! I heard this
And I was thinkin’ that Shamisen that kicks in at 42 seconds in sounds sick!
If you know how to play by ear than this would seem REALLY EASY!
I would love if someone here knew how to transcribe it and send it to me.
Hello, here’s a quick transcription of the phrase you’re looking for:
It also sounds nice if you occasionally flutter the 6 and 4 like below:
I tried to show the timing with underscores above the notes (play these ones faster). Just let me know if you have any questions about it.
WOWIE! THANKS! Sounds doope!
What tuning did you use?
The tuning is Ni Agari in the key of B. The first string is tuned to B, the second to F#, and the third to B. If your Shamisen is already tuned to Ni Agari in the key of C, then you’ll just need to tune each string down a half-step. Additionally, here’s an article on tuning that can explain things a lot better than I can.
Thanks a lot! You’re very considerate to put all that extra information here for me!
Have a good one! ^v^