
Ah, nice. Thanks Dan. Very helpful. And I have also given myself a note to self. ‘Self’, I said to myself, ‘always make search for topics already existing before szblatting them elsewhere(s).’

Hey Catherine!

Wanted to say that Travis had your homemade koma in Japan, which I took for a spin. I must say, I’m very, very impressed with the sound quality! At first glance, I thought the wood might have been a little thick, but it rang like a bell and the sawari buzzing was clear! :slight_smile:

Anywho, though I’m sure you already know it, very awesome craftsmanship! I’m glad I got to experience your handiwork. :slight_smile: If I manage to make it out to Canada later this year, I’d like to check them all out. :slight_smile:

That is all. Back to sleep!

Hi Kyle!
Thank you so much for the lovely and supportive words. I really appreciate hearing them.
Yes, please look me up if you are around. I’ll be in Banff (most likely) for the autumn and then, all willing, in Thailand for the winter (my mom and brother live there) and I’ll be needing an extended spell of warm again. Indeed, just last week, I woke up and found my tent encrusted in frost! I’m not around for the spring/summer as I am galavanting around alberta on a long horsie ride but if you or any other lovely Bachido connected folks find yourselves around eastern slopes of the northern rockies wishing to hang out by a river or something, do please send me an email!
Hope all is well.