3d printing and modelling

in construction category… cos…

Anyone here familiar with 3DS Max?
I’m going INSANE trying to model a koma, i just can’t get on with the prog at all.
Anyone want to make a file for printing?

interesting :slight_smile: always been interested in 3d printing :smiley:

could do a bachi easy with that I suppose. I wouldnt know where to begin to find a class in 3d printing or somthing :stuck_out_tongue:

been trying the prog for about 2 weeks and just can’t seem to get a grip on it. the materials used in the printing all vary in density and flexibility so you can get different effects on each one. so i really wanted to get this working

so you could make a flexible bachi for example o:?

not completely 100% flexible, but a plastic with some degree of flex at the thinner ends of the spectrum. i was thinking about a bachi too modded for my hand etc.

awesomes :smiley: sounds really cool!

I need to get my hands on some polystyrene xD I want to make a good case for my shami :slight_smile:

whoa! Amanda, you can use CAD?

Cana, try the foam insulation somewhere like b&q, they come in all kinds of thicknesses (i use it for prop making)

Kyle, that’s the problem, can’t seem to get the hang of it! XD

Dear Amanda

I’m working with 3D Max since 2001, but still not a pro.
There’s just too much features I don’t really need for my everyday work (archviz).
I would be really glad to help you out with the modeling, though.
Already modeled a bachi some weeks ago and posted it here:

Have you some preferences, usable pictures to use as 2D-templates of a koma you have in mind?


Hello Alessandro, i shall try and get some pictures up as soon as i can.
I am not sure if it is the program i am having difficulty with or the whole CAD thing, i HAVE tried but haven’t got anywhere yet.

I’ll model a few komas tomorrow if you’d like. I’ll do a one-hole koma and a two-hole koma.

If the 3D printer you’re using is a dimension model, it should be using the catalyst software. In which case, .stl should be what you need if memory serves well. I’ll include .obj files as well just in case.

As it is 1:30am here, it is technically tomorrow so here’s some quick WIPs I made based on the plastic koma I have in hand right meow.

The weird shading is because I have no desire to be putting effort into properly lighting a mesh that is meant for a 3D printer.

Right away I am very fearful about printing komas due to the small size and naturally weak structure. This printer will need to be 3x more expensive than the one I used to using to be able to print at the resolution a koma would need to stay structurally sound.

Now designing a new kind of koma that would work with many non-super-fancy 3d printers through a much more structurally sound design is something else we could look into.

otherwise if the current koma design(s) do manage to print with success, I would highly recommend printing them without the ito slots (or at least with very simple starter slots) and filing them down by hand as to guarantee nice and smooth slots.

holy cow you guys work fast XD
i was going to use shapeways to do some prototyping is any of you have heard of them.
An example of the materials: https://www.shapeways.com/materials/?li=t_menu

i like the selection of materials but especially the strong and flexible so far with maybe a splash out on something fancy such as the brass

Ah yes shapeways. The printer they will use will most definitely be 3x more expensive than the one I had direct access to. Infact, you might even want to just have ito slots in the mesh itself and file them down only if necessary. shapeway’s printers will most likely be able to handle smoothness at that small scale. (Also shapeways does do .stl and .obj. How very convenient)

Also, giving the komas that are available on the store a closer look, I’ve noticed some seem to have very large saddles with low bases, high bases, small saddles with large bases, etc etc. With that, I’ll go make a bunch of variants for each of these kinds of designs.

You guys astound me so much. I’m never ceased to be amazed.

Here’s finished version 1 of koma_1h and koma_2h. I kept the mesh as .stl friendly as I could.

Although the ito slots are looking a bit too large. Anyone have exact diameter of each slot?


EDIT: I’m stupid. Forgot to hollow them out. Geme a few :stuck_out_tongue: Be back with actual finished meshes.

EDIT2; http://i.imgur.com/5PXd86M.png Hollowed out.

excuse me while i pick myself off the floor and throw 3dsmax out the window…
Teague, wow…just wow…

Hey, no throwing any software out the window :stuck_out_tongue: everyone starts somewhere near the bottom. The only difference between yourself and I is that I’ve spent more time learning my software. I’m sure you could very well produce much better meshes than I do if given time. Otherwise we both have equal potential capabilities.

Figured now would be a great time to sign up with sketchfab. First time using their services. Leme know if this link works.

10/3/13 EDIT:

Put some quick textures on it. http://i.imgur.com/2YxwDta.png
I’m going to touch things up on both the 1h and 2h meshes. Feel free to pm me your email and I can send you the finished files if you’d like.

And this is exactly why I gave up CAD. :wink:

Wow, Teague… That looks simply amazing.

Do anyone know the cost of making 1 koma with a 3D printer? (accounting for matierials/power consumption and using the printer) The current plastic koma is rather poor sounding and breaks easily (so I’ve been told). Well, I imagine one made from the Alumide or Detail Plastic, it could potentially be much better.

Well, if a printed koma is good quality and cheap enough, perhaps it could become the new, Advanced Plastic Koma or something . :slight_smile:
(I’d even want to stock a bunch to have in the Bachido Store!)

(going by shapeways per cm3) i THINK i worked this out correctly, my nagauta koma is 7cm by 1cm high and the polished flexible and strong is about $14 i THINK if i got that made