Aiya Bushi (need help on Notation)

well I watched a lot of version of “Aiya Bushi”

and so far I kinda like the beat with this video -

(not because Kyle A. is in it - but it came very close from the movie Nitaboh)
I like the part when they duel against each other (both songs were awesome)

I tuned my Shamisen as closely to the youtube video

Still having a hard time getting some notes.

I only got


(Kinda noticing it hits a lot on the San Ito 3rd string a lot)
the rest I can’t figure out

Message to Kevin K. - if you can (can you help me translate notation for this youtube - I’m liking this one the most - it’s very close to the movie scene from Nitaboh.

I’m still kinda of a newbie when it comes to copy song from listening to people

Holy chikuzan