Are there any exercises that help with technique, etc?

I do some of my own exercises on the fly, such as practicing hitting the correct strings, the 3,2,0,0 and 4,3,0,0 sequences with the hajiki and the sukui in the strange order (see my other post), sometimes I try to create the pentatonic scale in different keys …

But they’re all just stuff that I made up on the fly. Since I don’t have an official teacher to help. I don’t know if I’m doing them right.

Are there such exercises (as on the guitar, you have scales, picking patterns, etc.) for the shamisen? If there are, perhaps they could be made available on the Lesson Store? I would gladly pay for some of those.

Anyhoo - just a thought.

There are some great videos addressing this subject out there. I’m at work right at the moment so I only have a few seconds to write othwise I would totally look for them and post some links for you. But look up On YouTube Shamisen practice regimen by Jamie Low and look at related videos as well. There’s actually a ton of examples out there! Later tonight I’ll try to find specific links!

Thank you thank you, Kevin!!

*RING RING RING You are my 100th post, lol! XOXO

Whew! You hit 100 posts fast! Congrats! :slight_smile:

Yeah, as Jamie said, Kevin’s got an awesome video of his training regiment, which can be helpful for you.

Personally, I’ve always favored learning melodies as a way to learn the scale, but if you are just wanting scales, you are in luck! When Kevin was here last November, he filmed a World Scales course for shamisen. It’s very informative and hilarious as well! :slight_smile: Perhaps just what you are looking for. When he finally sends me some much needed text, I’ll be able to release it! :slight_smile:

Well, since I’m so new, I have lots of questions, hope I’m not talking too much, Kyle! (I’m a talker in person, too, lol)

I like learning melodies, too, but I know I’m going to start needing help with maebachi, etc, so James video was perfect!

The World Scales thing sounds awesome, I’ll look for it!

Hey Lorraine, glad you found my video to be helpful! I’m impressed you managed to watch the whole meandering thing. It ended up a lot longer than I intended… If you’ve got any questions, just let me know and I’d be happy to help out! (And of course, as you can see, so would everyone else here too!)

And Kevin, as always, thanks for the shout out! It means a lot!