Arrival pics -nagauta for repair

My naughty purchase arrived today and it is not as beaten up as i expected.
The seller was 100% honest and the wood is totally fine and sound.
Poor thing still needs work, the hatamune is chipped, but once i make a little cover for it, i’m sure it won’t be noticeable.

This is the first shamisen i’ve had my hands on in over 6 years, and it is smaller than i remember.

Inside the dou:

all the pieces that came with it:


hatomune, you can just about see the damage to the edge:


and you can just about see the lovely red colour of the mitsuori

Its pretty broken eh?

But it still Nice!

Actually, I rather like the worn look that it has. It’s a nice aesthetic. What kind of wood is it made out of? I have never seen a reddish-black wood like that.

the outside of the dou is perfect and a slightly lighter colour wood. I have no idea what the wood could be, the last shamisen i had was a constant red colour.

a good clean and a wipe of camellia oil and the wood will be fine, it fits together perfectly and strongly.

Also, I was thinking for your chipped tenjin you could just get an ebio kake to cover it up (and protect against future chips).

exactly what i was thinking cody!

i’ve just put it together and taken it apart to check the joints properly, man they were tight XD

One of the metal pieces for the bottom peg (like a little collar) has slipped out a bit and will need adjusting but overall it was a great bargain, just need to get a new neo, strings, skin of course etc.

this is going to be a nice little project to play with

By the mokume,i can tell this can be kouki,since I have seen many shamisen with this pattert that were kouki.

If i am wrong,please correct me

I can assure you that this is kouki - a good quality shamisen with an appealing grain. When this is restored, it’s going to be breathtaking. Please keep us up to date on the restoration.

That is beautiful kouki. I love the kind which is deep red. :slight_smile: And nice that the joints fit together snug. Looks like it’s gonna be a fun project and very satisfying when completed!

Do you plan on this being a temporary shamisen (on the way to a tsugaru shamisen, for example), or plan on it being your shamisen for life? If the latter, it might be worth investing in some Fibersen. :slight_smile:

Is that a Jamie (Cana’s Jamie) action figure peeking from the curtain in the 2nd picture?

that figure is a 72cm BJD, i hadn’t even noticed he was in the pic or my granny floral curtains XD

Wow, it’s kouki wood! i would never have dared hope! ~happy squee~

When i initially got this i was thinking to restore and maybe loan out as eventually i’ll have 3 nagauta (IF the two EVER arrive 2 months, 17days and counting)

Now i have it and am seeing it everyday, i think this one might just be a keeper.
I have some skin on the way to practice skinning, only cheap goat hide while i get used to the technique though, so if it all works out i’d def invest in the fibersen.