Attention nagauta owners...

I am trying to drag my busted nagauta back from the shamisen underworld and the biggest obsticale is carving a replacement nakago. Unfortunately Shamisen of Japan only details how to make a nakago for a tsugaru which obviously would be too big.

Is there anyone on the forum that has a nagauta and wouldn’t mind posting some measurements and/or pictures of their nakago for me to use as a reference? I mainly just need to know the length and shape so I can carve an accurate replacement. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hey Cody!

I would recommend measuring the height/width of the kaku/maru hole on your nagauta dou to make the nakago. In the case of tsugaru shamisen, the size will vary depending on the size of the holes in the dou. (I.e, not 100% interchangeable). A reference for the length would be doable though.

My two cents! :slight_smile:

will do it asap for you, done a bit too much so need a break for a few hours.

A4 scan of one of the nagauta nakago.
I drew around it and gave the actual measurements as far as i could, if you can’t download the original size i can email it to you.
hope it’s useful.

Thanks Amanda, that’s exactly what I was looking for! I will check to see if I can download the original size once I get my laptop started up.

no probs, drop me a line if you can’t get it