BABYMETAL now has a Shamisen cover!

The new Jpop/Metal fusion that was recently introduced here on Bachido by Adrian Crovetto now has a Shamisen cover courtesy of… Yours Truly!

Shieet! This is great Kevin!!

Hehe rockin it!

I am picturing KPP or BM performing a shamisen heavy song with Kevin Kmetz on stage . . .

Seriously, the whole video I was looking forward to that sweep near the end. Fuckin’ metal Kevin!!

Megitsune now played on Shami as well! Damn you Adrian
(for introducing this!)

Much Kawaii

So Babi

Such Metle


And now I have added the head banger song!

I’m having too much fun with this guys!

Whoah great outfit too … :slight_smile:


You might know Marty Friedman is playing with Babymetal now.
I’ll meet him next month and would like to show your version. What do u think?

Yes! Please do!!!

Sure, will be glad to! Is it possible you mail me the video in mp4 or MPEG format? I would store it on my ipad to show him so maybe I can film his reaction =) Would be fun

Not sure about those but I’ll look into getting them into one of those formats! Wow! That’s exciting!

So glad to have come across these videos…

You can convert stuff already on youtube with something like

Here’s your Megitsune one (right click, download, etc):

Am using the download helper plugin for firefox browser to have youtube clips in flash / flv format offline which vlc player also plays and ive been using free flv converter which does just that nicely be it conversion to another video format or to audio only mp3

I´ll see if I can manage to download the video from youtube and store on the ipad. I´m pretty sure Friedman will be speechless =)

I think it would be interesting if someone made a cover of Megitsune where it uses a Nagauta Shamisen, Shinobue/Nohkan, actual Wadaiko with Tsuzumi, Gong, Mokyugo and Rin bowl, all added along with the original song. Oh how I wish that was a reality!

Well it’s not exactly that but Adrian and I did manage to film a duet version of Megitsune !

wow nice (how can one get a fox sign displayed here)