Bachi alternatives

Started wondering if there is sense in experimenting with something different from regular batchi. This of course might limit your technique somewhat, not just by the loss of most percussion (tataki), but other techniques as well. The main benefit I figure would be a different feeling to the playing, some people might enjoy it or it could be well suited to some types of music.

What would be good things to try?

Would eg. the mizrab from sitar be suitable (seems the sitar scene is quite big, so these would be rather easily available):

Anybody tried the amami or oud plectrums?

searching for ‘shovel’ on the bachido forum brought up this thread I faintly remembered thinking it was shovel bachis . . . actually both bachi and shamisen alternatives are featured in the clips with tataki nevertheless possible.

This is a good topic!

Last year, I tried an Amami style bachi (which we called the ice cream stick bachi :wink: ), and it was very satisfying. Relatively easy to use, you got the enjoyable percussive snap, and best of all, bamboo sticks are pretty affordable. :wink:

For me, this is a very nice alternative bachi, besides just using the fingernail.

Since I play just about everything with a thumb pick (except bowed instruments, of course), I’ll throw this out there.

Definately the wrong forum, but I was more impressed by the fiddle player!


This video would be quite ironic were that not a Sanshin.

Okay, the timing is just too perfect.
Here is an excerpt from Kevin’s next lesson, which I just finished editing recently.