Bachi Size

Is there a way to know if the bachi you’re using is too big or small for your hand? I had a few sizes to choose from, and I feel like the one I picked might be too big.

Should the size be relative to the instrument itself, or relative to your hand?


Must resist posting inappropriate comment…Gack!

I haven’t been playing for too long, but I have a few bachi of various sizes and I have always bought them as being specific for what style of shamisen you have, (tsugaru, jiuta, etc). So if you bought the corresponding bachi for your shamisen chances are it is correct. It might feel a little weird at first, (as most new things do) but as you keep playing it will feel more natural. If you just bought any random bachi it’s probably worth looking into! I would think being in Japan would put an enormous range of options at your disposal.

Lol how’d I know someone would take the question the wrong way XD

Anyway, thanks for the tip.

Surprisingly, the Shamisen section of the 2 story music shop wasn’t all that big ;_; Just a small display case with a couple different styles.

There might be some huge shamisen warehouse I’m not aware of, but I’ve yet to find it.

They definitely make different sizes of bachi for each genre, but unless your hand is very small, or the bachi very big, you should be OK to learn with what you have.
Did you go to a Western music store to buy your shamisen? They sometimes have a limited selection of Japanese musical instruments, but don’t usually know much about them.
Do you know this place?
有限会社 ジャパンミュージックプラン
〒451-0041 名古屋市西区幅下1-9-38
mail :
Phone : 052-541-2339
It seems pretty central, just off of Fushimi Dori. It looks like they’d have a good selection, but for all I know this is the place you are talking about.

Yes it makes a difference. However it is 100% up to how the bachi feels to you. Ideally you would choose from a wide range up bachis. However, most normal music shops won’t have many for you to try, like you said. The best places to go are the tournaments (especially Hirosaki) as there are usually many vendors there, including ones that sell mainly bachi and even make them.
The real big deal in the end is the flexibility and weight of each bachi, and in the end, that is what really effects the tone you have. Again though, a far as the size, as long as youre paying attention and make sure you purchase a style that fits your kind of shamisen, it’s about whats comfortable.