Bachido Blogcast E54

March 10th arrives and we head out to San Francisco for the Old First Concert. As one who doesn’t go to many shows, I can attest that it was truly an astoundingly good show. With great artists/groups like Michael Sasaki, Karl Young, Shirley Muramoto, Brian Wong, the Murasaki Ensemble and of course, Masahiro Nitta, the show had amazing high class variety.

Next week, we meet some real life Bachido members!


Wish I could have been there, sounded great!

Awesomeness overload!

makes me wish I was closer to California! Great performance!

That was such an awesome concert. Super glad I had been able to make it out!

I am sure this will be further torture for me so I better write something before watching the clip I was already so impressed by the earlier footage of that concert and it was hard to you know having missed out on it okay I will hit the play button now even though I am sure it will not be pleasant to watch this clip . . .