Bachido Blogcast E7 - Special!

Today’s especially early blogcast (we got some gigs tomorrow, so releasing this today) is a special edition! Blowtorching coffee beans! You may be asking, “Kyle, what does this have to do with shamisen?” Espresso is indeed very much shamisen-related. I play shamisen, so I am somewhat shamisen-related. And I also like espresso, so espresso is shamisen-related by association! :stuck_out_tongue:

Enjoy -

James has a really fun coffee blog, which I’ve been starting to write articles for.
For those who didn’t know, I wrote monthly articles in a California-wide bluegrass newspaper for about 4 years, starting when I was 12-ish. As you can imagine, the articles I wrote were more… eclectic than informative (and I didn’t even like coffee back then!), but still was entertaining. Anyway, this is the first time I’ve written actual articles since then. I must say, it’s kind of fun writing about something that isn’t music related. :wink:

I just got up and I didn’t think I would ever feel so blessed to be sipping on a cup of hot water and instant cappuchino until now

lmao that could not have had less to do with Shamisen (>_

Haha! Yes Bernhard, every so often it’s good to “reset” our standards in coffee, I feel. :wink:

Norm: Heheh, 'ey, Kyle’s got to have a bit of fun. :wink:

Though this doesn’t necessarily relate to the video, it just came to mind: Note how many activities/tasks in life can relate and help completely opposite things. The example for shamisen: They say the way to practice bachi technique is cutting through a daikon (hard radish) with a knife in one slice (at least that’s what Kevin told me). Thus, the way activities benefit completely different activities.

For a personal example, I can attest that my dabbling in espresso has been recently benefiting subtle bachi technique. The awareness of pressure used in tamping the coffee has made me more aware of pressure used when pushing the bachi down to the strings. :slight_smile:

Monday morning - heading to the espresso machine (no green beans, just black ones thank god)

And here we have some more shamisen related material. This is a video of a japanese man trying to consume a burger with 1050 bacon pieces. The shamisen is from Japan, so it is related by association. Also, I like burgers and bacon, and I play the shamisen, so it is related in that way too.

Now, it is a very impressive burger.

Oh, what was that about PETA Kyle? :wink:

This is so incredibly unshamisenal xD
I love you guys, I have to come over one day and slurp a coffee with ya! =D
Right now I am on my way to work by train and I am really in the mood to do two specific things right now… I do not take my Shamisen to work, but damn, I have to grab a coffee on the way to my desk!