Today is the individual division at the Hirosaki Taikai. Anne Liljedahl steps up to the stage! She had only been playing shamisen about one year, so imagine the courage it took for her to compete for the first time! Bravo!!!
wow talk about cojones or something like that
cool performance the only criticism that comes to mind is about having to wait another week to see another cool performance I mean talk about cliffhanger blogcast format
Yeah, massive respect to get up there and give it all that! I think I would puke
i’d be the same pete!
Wooo go Anne!
BH: Indeed! In the case of Anne, it wouldn’t be inappropriate to say she’s got some huevos grandes!
I can attest, she was quite nervous, but stayed focused, cool and pulled it off! Even stayed inside the time limit!
HAHAHAHA, Kyle, I started to write on Facebook that she had big brass … marbles, and then I thought someone might get offended. Seriously, you guys are so fun!
And Anne did a GREAT job!!
She really did)^o^( and right before the team play she was joking with a stethoscope and checking and easing our nervousness! The Swedish lady is really a somebody on Bachido.
Yeah! Anne is Awesome!