Bachido Blogcast E75

Otsukaresama~!! Kevin, Jamie, Josh and I ran out to the lobby to congratulate Grant, Anne and Patrick for their performance in the individual division!

After regaining composure, Team Bachido gathers together and heads out to Fujimirando, the ryokan where we’d be staying and shenaniganing in for the next two nights.

Lastly, we jump ahead 5 months later, to yesterday. Adrian came over to show off his beautiful kouki shamisen which he just received from the Bachido Store! It’s a dream come true for him! I am super stoked about it as well. It is really an incredible sounding shamisen, which means I too will be enjoying the great tone whenever I play next to him!

Wanting a kouki shamisen just like Adrian? Let me know, and/or check out the Bachido Store! (

I like how this just suddenly ends right when the naked talk starts.

Yeah, I know right? We were just getting to the good part~

Also; Jamie, does that answer your question about the level of “weird” that is my hair?

Jamie: That’s where the Bachido Blogcast ends and Bachido Blogcast Premium begins. :wink:

How much is it and where do I put my credit card info?

Jamie: That’s where the Bachido Blogcast ends and Bachido Blogcast Premium begins. :wink:

oo sign me up baby! XD jk

I appreciate the humor in that only the guys seem to be interested in this offer. :wink:

Lorraine, don’t act like you aren’t interested too! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: