Bachido Blogcast E89

After the Feb. 1st Bachido Shamisen Workshop in San Francisco followed with a small concert in Sacramento, Takahashi san (of Ten Ten Canada), Tiffany Tamaribuchi (of Sacramento Taiko Dan) and myself (Bachido) relax by the fireside with a little minyo jamboree! (after scorpion tequila libations to loosen things up)

Maybe a little too loosened up xP

Great sound! Don’t mess with tequila man!

That little taiko! Want! :slight_smile: (Tiffany is so awesome, lol - love the way she was playing the little taiko with big taiko moves, lol!)

Where can I get one of those tiny Taiko?

I have no idea. :stuck_out_tongue:

Google it?

Karl: Actually, I didn’t like beer when I first went to Japan, so Nitta san used to call me “Tequila Boy” as that was the only alcohol I’d drink at that time. :wink: