Bachido "pod" -cast?

This is a gold mine if really good, interesting information. I get the feeling I’ll be spending even more time watching my computer.

I bet I’m not the only person who’s asked if this content could be converted to a podcast. In only…

oh yes audio versions of the forum discussions would be awesome . . . a daily mp3 to download containing the latest posts and spoken versions of all the threads so far I hope Kyle the voice of bachido gets to doing that soon . . .

:slight_smile: I like (audio?) podcasts for the car but I wonder what content of bachido you think of that should be turned into such a podcast?

Iiiiiiiiinteresting… I didn’t think about that.
You are meaning a podcast which people automatically download from iTunes, right?

I’m sure it could! I mean, I render it as an .mp4 anyway, so it should be fine. I’ll look into it and put it on the to-do list.

I believe you are actually the first person to ask about this. :stuck_out_tongue:

BH: Believe me, you KNOW I want to do that. :wink: I’ve enjoyed filming announcements rather than writing them, but fear they don’t get viewed as much. (easier to skim through a written message and get the point than to skim a video and understand)

The great thing is, you already have a bunch of 'casts already in the can; all you have to do is convert them to mp4 and host them on iTunes.

I get your message about the temptation of “skimming” through a video. No way around that possibility. But I’ll watch every one, and subscribe so I get the latest when it comes out!

podcast or a web radio show about shamisen would be something really cool , but hosting it on itunes … i’m probably not the only one who doesn’t use any apple product, even the very very rare ones, a good option would be to host the mp3 on a section of, many people do this on their websites.

Two words - RSS Feed.

Just realized this yesterday. Luke had set up an RSS Feed for the Abbotty Blogcast last year so people could get automatic updates. He’ll set that up for Bachido when he gets time.

Podcasts will happen. :slight_smile:

RSS feed sounds fine to me.

I had a romanticized notion I could view the 'casts on my iPod Touch, or iPhone, or iPad… But I’ve never had a chance to see a RSS feed with video, so this looks like it’s going to be cool.

I don’t mind this becoming available :slight_smile: as for me I guess I won’t need it though considering the frequency I (want to anyway) visit the site