Bachido Stickers & Patches!

Hey everyone! At long last I’m finally intently looking into making Bachido stickers and patches.

Does anyone have any recommended sites or suggestions for it? I was thinking of having them made here

If anyone has any ideas or preferred sizes, please let me know! I’ve been too lazy about the patches, but now I should have them available by Christmas! :slight_smile: (I hope)

Here’s a good idea.

Hahaha!! I know what you’ve been watching. :wink: Cute dou, it took me a while to catch it! :wink:

I’ll take that as a sign of my exceptional skill of drawing :wink:

I like where this is going mc should be changed to bc or a more general sc though i guess … Or hc haha

I’ll take that as a sign of my exceptional skill of drawing :wink:

It blends in!! :smiley:

Not to bring down the epicness of Karl’s mockup, but does anyone have any…other ideas? :slight_smile:

Love it!! Definitely have to change MC to SC. and maybe put a “B” on the ball! LOL

Which reminds me, I DVRed “Sons of Anarchy” last night and have to watch it quick before someone spoils it! TWO massive spoilers last week were revealed to me before I watched the show - grrrrr!!

I am still on Season 4 so please let’s leave the subject now!

only today as I sat in the taxi wearing my pilot jacket I thought shamisen PATCH that would be awesome for the still vacant right arm side of the jacket so it would sport F-16 patch on the left and shamisen of all things on the right :slight_smile:

(I am btw not the military type in general but was involved a bit more than the regular visitor at the airpower airshow 2009 in austria and one thing led to another including that jacket and once I had that jacket and a patch lying around that I got as a gift earlier I combined the two)

I’m sure a good artist can draw a cool patch of a person playing a shamisen and make it look awesome. Make it a dark outdoors one, with the player being white. No facial details. More of a silhouette.

Haha, Karl, no worries, I try never to spoil movies and TV shows! :wink: And, nice to meet a fellow “Sons” fan. When you catch up, friend me on FB, and we can talk about it. (But not until you catch up, my lips are ZIPPED until then!) -_-

BH - that would be really cool!

needs more pink! D:

Jamie will have a hand at making one :slight_smile:

Lorraine: Am I mistaken to think you might be a Downton Abbey fan too? :slight_smile:

Interesting idea, BH!! More than just the mon.

Perhaps like Ale’s shirt design? That’d be a sick patch. (in a good way!)

can you do a simple regular mon no matter what AND something fancy? I don’t wanna speak against SICK patches but who knows whether I would end up liking that if only thanks to my sometimes sort of wicked taste I mean the mon would work for sure so I would be for the mon in case you only get one patch made at this time . . . at first sight that patch working site looks great I might even look into that for advertising my own site . . . :slight_smile:

which reminds me that I got an about 30 pieces left over batch of orange “Carve Diem” silicone bracelets at home I shall find a way of giving them away as prizes for little contributions or something I guess for young visitors or carving parents since the size of those turned out to be rather for children than the “one size fits all” that was advertised by the swag company that produced them . . .

so I might as well mention the site of my own that I made recently although it’s sort of off topic :slight_smile: online in fresh form since october 1 after a couple of years of hiatus due to the lack of expert employees a la Luke I guess or stupid weirdness I discovered in various software I looked into take your pick anyway I recently thought f it I am going old school and ended up programming it myself using the fancy windows notepad text editor just like I did with a first version in 2004 and the fanciness of the design definitely is a statement about my graphical design talent :slight_smile:

a clip of myself in action . . .

since the focused on carving style of snowboarding is only a single digit % share of the snowboarding market even a little site like mine does get noticed and can be of interest and I am okay enough with what’s online again so far :slight_smile:

LOVE Downton! lol - hrrrm, maybe we could have a patch with Carson playing the shamisen … ? Or Mrs. Patmore! lol

for simple and cheap vinyl stickers, the best bet i’ve had in the past is

Oh!! Thanks, Chris!! If you’ve had good results with them, I’ll definitely get 'em there! :slight_smile:

Any thoughts on size? I figure 2"-2" would be able to fit on most things. Any preferences?

BH: Your site is definitely simple, and as I think I told you earlier, it’d be classy to keep it that way. :slight_smile: For me, a simple site is a much more fun viewing experience.
Damn! Look at you, BH! I can totally imagine you doing that with a shamisen in your hand!

Lorraine: Haha!! Yeah, I couldn’t imagine Carson play it, but I could imagine him holding it and just staring! :wink:

Back when I was part of an airsoft team in NJ, I designed and ordered 3"x3" embroidery patches from

(at least at the time. Twas quite some years ago) they were the cheapest option out there and we weren’t exactly looking for perfect quality. However, after receiving our order, the quality of our team patches were top notch and I was extremely impressed by the quality of the embroidery as was the rest of the team.

I’ll vouch for the superb customer support as well. I’m not sure how they are today, but requesting a quote, placing my order, and asking a few questions all happened within a couple hours with back and fourth email. It felt like the customer rep was a friend of mine who waited for my responses until the order was finalized. When we received our patches I ended up emailing the guy who helped me get my order placed telling him that I begun to question the legitimacy of their services while I was placing the order because of how much he waited on me like a personal butler.(which was then quoted and used as testimonial after I gave permission to do so)

The guy was so friendly I begun to think it was some dude in a basement scamming the crap out of me.

Ah, that’s a good lead too. Thanks Teague! Were they regular patches, or iron-on? I’m not sure which to get. ('cause I know there are probably many of us men-bachiists who can’t thread a needle…myself not included)

Haha Teague that was a funny testimonial :slight_smile:

Although I only faintly seem to remember encountering an iron on patch of some sort in my childhood for actual comparison I can speak strongly from the experience of wearing a stitched one in heavy duty use on a jacket for several years and it is on there rock solid like on the day it was attached also of course that includes no gaps at all having developed around the outside edges . . .

although I am not sure . . . are the iron on ones less suited for stitching them on? otherwise I guess getting iron on ones would offer both options . . . anyway I think a bachido patch would be worth it and I strongly recommend finding a needle and thread artist to have it applied since it can look the best way this way and it keeps looking that way for years . . .

actually I will be visiting a LOCAL (3 miles away) stitching company this week that seems to have been in business for over 10 years and also accept low quantity orders so this would be perfect for me I would be stoked if they could do on demand stitching on shirts I could order and pick up directly in their local store . . .

also they seem to do patches . . .