Beautiful old (new to me) bachi receives a facelift. Finally, a decent bachi!

Actually, more than decent - I got a bone and bekkou bachi off of eBay, for, I think, a steal (Thank you, Kyle, for advising me to go for it).

I was still feeling bad about the turtle! and I would never buy a new one! But this one was used, so I decided that it was made during a time when we didn’t think about things like that, like my Grandmother’s fur from the 1940s, which I treasure, but I would NEVER buy a new fur.

The bachi was a bit dirty, and it was chipped when it came, so I watched Kyle’s video on repairing chipped bachi. I was able to find 600g, 1200g, and 2000g sandpaper easily enough, but I could NOT find polishing pads anywhere.

I don’t know if you can see in the photo, but the handle was a bit dirty as well, with what I assume was dirt and oil embedded from the previous owner’s hands.

I sanded down the chipped edges, following Kyle’s instructions, with the sandpaper that I got

Here is the formerly chipped edge, now sanded and polished (one of them, they were both chipped) sorry for the blur, wasn’t wearing my glasses when I took the photo, so it looked fine, now I have my glasses on and, oh well, LOL!

It occurred to me that turtle and bone are very close to the materials that my nails are made of. I have a nail buffing sponge, so I thought I’d try it on a little piece of the bone handle. I used this buffer - I get them at the fair, but you can also get them on It’s called “Flash Shiner” by Design Nail.

It worked! It also worked on the shell portion. I polished the whole thing up pretty, and now, I finally feel as if I’m not as much of a newb, since I now have a decent bachi. :slight_smile:

Just for fun, here is my super-fancy carrying pouch that I made (I’m totes paranoid now carrying my bachi around after the plastic bachi disaster!!)

And here it is in all it’s shiny polished beauty after a loving cleaning.

I haven’t even played with it, because it’s so pretty. I just stare at it, and caress it lovingly …

uhmmmm, that didn’t come out right. :confused:

:wink: XOXO

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I was able to find 600g, 1200g, and 2000g sandpaper easily enough, but I could NOT find polishing pads anywhere.

You can get them from, but your bachi is so shiny I don’t think it needs them anymore.

Very nice work fixing that bachi up. I agree it’s probably better to fix up an old one than to cut up a turtle making a new one. Still, I’m saving up for a faux bekko bachi :wink:

This one was actually MUCH less expensive than the faux bekkou ones, which is why I pounced on it.

Still - my birthday is in a month. I have printed up my wish lists from, and the faux bekkou bachi is still on it! LOL

Thanks for the heads up on! I had the nail buffer handy, which is why I tried it. If you don’t mind waiting for mail order, this info is awesome! (I couldn’t wait to clean it up, I was too excited, lol!)

a few minutes later WOW!! All these guys making their own shamisens here need to take a look at this website! I think they have everything you need here for making wooden instruments! (sorry if this old news to everybody)

Double gratitude for this info, Cody! XOXO

very shiny! I can relate to the staring and caressing part I even enjoyed just staring at the picture for a while I did not go as far as caressing it though . . . congratulations :slight_smile:

BH - LOL!! Thank you. :slight_smile:

There’s kind of a story here - the bachi got lost in the mail for a month after I ordered it from Japan - the seller and I were both looking for it, and nothing from the Post Office. It finally showed up, but by then, I thought I wasn’t going to ever find it. So - I was happy on two counts, and couldn’t wait to clean it up - hence, the MacGuyver nail buffer solution.

HEY! I just looked at my eBay watch list and realized that I was planning on bidding in this bachi too. I think I was worried it would be too big as a jiuta bachi so I got the nejiri itomaki instead.

a few minutes later WOW!! All these guys making their own shamisens here need to take a look at this website! I think they have everything you need here for making wooden instruments! (sorry if this old news to everybody)

Double gratitude for this info, Cody! XOXO

Haha they do have a lot!
I recently built a complete bass guitar from start to finish entirely with stuff bought from stew Mac. Except the wood, which I got locally.

This isn’t a jiuta bachi … I did buy a jiuta bachi (along with a wooden bachi, and a red bachi pouch) on Sunday because this one hadn’t shown up. Are you talking about the jiuta bachi that was for sale on eBay two days ago? The one I show up above is a tsugaru one that I bought a month ago, but it got lost in the mail, and I thought I wasn’t going to get it (but then it finally came).

Re: The Bass Guitar … Sweet! If I thought I had the time, I’d like to try to construct the horn bachi from the other thread. I’m not sure, since I’ve never made one, but I think an instrument that you made would take on so much more meaning when you played it.

The one I was looking at ended July 15, and it didn’t say it was a jiuta, I guess I just assumed it was.

And I don’t actually play my bass guitar – because I don’t know how. I just woke up one day and was like “Im bored. I think I’ll build an electric guitar today.” But it came out really well and is totally playable, so I think I might sell it and use the money to invest more in my shamisen… maybe i could get that faux bekko bachi a bit sooner XD

And of course it would be a challenge to make a bachi as nice as your shiny new one. Congrats again!

Hrm, ok, misunderstood, sorry, lol! That’s pretty cool that you decided to just build a bass guitar! I think guitars are much harder to make than shamisen, so you should be pretty good at woodworking by now!

Check out the section on horn bachi. You can get the horn (they just drop off, so no killing of animals) pretty inexpensively on eBay. I forget his name (Michael?) made himself two BEAUTIFUL bachi out of wood and horn, and he says the playing style is comparable to the bekkou bachi.

You could do it while you were saving up for your faux-bekkou ones. Who knows, you might end up liking it better! :slight_smile:

Edit: Oh, I see you read Michael O’s posts on the horn bachi. And … I had followed your $30.00 kouki shami post, but didn’t realize it was you that I was talking to, lol! WOW, nice work - what a difference! Make sure you post a vid of you playing it, okay? Can’t wait to see! :slight_smile:

Buttery smooth! Nice work, Lorraine! :slight_smile:

Yeah great work Lorraine! Definately looks Buttery! As Kyle says!

Thank you Kevin and Kyle! It totally feels like buttah!! (I’m from New York, and I used to say “buttah”.) :wink:

The nail buffer block also made it easier to sand because of the shape. I wrapped all the sandpaper around it as Kyle does with the eraser in the video where he made his bachi a bit smaller. I’d also like to round the edges a bit, because, as good as the bachi feels, now my pinky is getting shredded again. But, I’m kind of loathe to do that to such a beautiful antique, so I’m seeing if I’ll just get used to it.

What a difference in playing from the plastic bachi! I didn’t realize that the difference in size (this one is smaller) and material would make such a difference in my playing. This one feels wonderful in my hand. :slight_smile:

Question: Can anyone read the kanji on the end? I think it says Hashimoto (my friend Chieko told me last night, but I don’t know if I’m remembering it correctly).

Would that be the maker, or the first owner? This item came from Saitama - is there a maker of shamisen there named Hashimoto? I should would like to know the provenence of this gorgeous item.

Anyhow, thanks everyone! :slight_smile:

Question: Can anyone read the kanji on the end? I think it says Hashimoto (my friend Chieko told me last night, but I don’t know if I’m remembering it correctly).

Would that be the maker, or the first owner? This item came from Saitama - is there a maker of shamisen there named Hashimoto? I should would like to know the provenence of this gorgeous item.

It does indeed say Hashimoto. My guess is it was the previous owner. I don’t know of any bachi makers who sign their bachi, but I could be wrong.

Thank you, Jamie! You’re always so sweet to take the time to answer. :slight_smile: XOXO

P.S. - I use your warm-up video everyday, thanks again for posting that! And it’s a lot easier now with this new (old) bachi!