beginner questions

I’m a TOTAL beginner here mkay, bear with me.

Today is the first day i’ve really had to sit down with my nagauta and try the first lesson video.

I’m finding my koma is

  1. really quite high and away from the skin
  2. the space between strings is really wide too

Is this normal?

also the space between postion 3 and 4 is far apart too even though i measured carefully.

and last but not least.
when i have my finger over san no ito to play, i’m finding my finger is touching the other two strings. Is this wrong?
thank you

You can try to change koma to a tsugaru one

Try using a tuner. If 1st string is tuned to C, then the position “3” will be “D#”, and the position “4” will be “F”.
This should get you more accurate results, and you’ll see if the space between them is as it should be.

And I think you’re not supposed to touch other strings unintentionally.

Thanks KH i think my koma is too high and yes i’m using a tuner so now i know what notes they’re supposed to be i can sort it out.

Hey amanda,all these things can be solved with a simple act,take some photos.

I think the space in the Koma should be wide. But not too wide.

if it is so wide that can be considered uncommon,then you really should exchange your Koma,because if not,when you use a normal one,you can miss the strings.

The finger problem is only practice I think.

the 3 and 4 position problem may be related to the sao length?

Hope I have helped

Are you playing a nagauta? I believe the koma on a nagauta is supposed to be taller than tsugaru, so like KH said try using a shorter one. Also that would explain the difficulty with pressing the San no Ito and the extra distance between 3 & 4, since nagauta have different sized necks (assuming it is one of course)

Hopefully you get all that sorted out :slight_smile:

thank you gentlemen, i am going to sort out the 3&4 positions tomorrow in the daytime (although 4 is on the joint anyway so it’s really 3 that is the problem)

I do think the koma is wrong as the san no ito and ichi no ito are almost right on the edges of the sao.

but yes, my hands are small so i need to stretch the fingers on my left hand more, so i have a little trouble at the moment.

okay so i checked everything:
the 3 and 4 position are just fine

i still can’t use finger 1 on the ichi no ito at 3, my finger is literally too short to reach, so if ever i find that on notation i’ll have to ignore and use finger 2 instead. (unless the problem is solved by new koma)

the strings are far too wide apart still so i am going to make a koma from kyles book (yay bamboo spatulas)
Unless i start playing with my fingernails instead of bachi XD

Hello Amanda, your koma is not wrong. I am a nagauta player too and your koma, as you have explained it, sounds just right.

As nagauta and tsugaru shamisens play different styles, they are set up purposefully differently. Although this doesn’t stop nagauta pieces being played on a tsugaru (and vice versa), the tunes for each style of shamisen were written specifically to take into account the set up of each kind of shamisen. Your koma should be high and ichi and san no ito right at the edges of the sao.

The main reason the koma is high for nagauta shamisens is to stop the strings making too much of a ‘rasping’ sound when played. On tsugaru shamisens there is a screw at the back of the neck which allows the player to raise the string to ajust the level of ‘rasp’. So the koma can be lower and yet a cleaner sound can still be achieved. However, because nagauta shamisens don’t have this facility, the koma is purposefully made higher, to cut out too much ‘rasping’. I have tried using a tsugaru koma on my nagauta shamisen, but always end up having to raise the strings by putting a cocktail stick under the strings at the ito maki end. So I don’t recommend changing your koma.

As for touching the strings when playing san no ito, this too is normal, (because of the higher koma). There are two stylistic options and it depends on the speed of the piece you are playing, as to which is most practical. You can just rotate your hand round a little further, (when playing the top string), to give you more of an arch in the gap under your fingers. However, my teacher told me that I should just lift my finger off, after playing the top string, so that the other strings are clear, (even if this meant rapidly lifting and lowering several times in a row during playing).

I hope this helps, if any of it doesn’t make sense let me know and I’ll try and help further. Good luck!

invaluable information, will try moving my fingers round more on the next practice session and if i’m still struggling i’ll do the press/release instead and see how that goes

The 3 and 4 positions are very far apart because there is a position in between (3b).

started learning ‘sakura’ and i’m having trouble with a sequence
Sakura 1 from
the EASY version.

i can almost play the first part from memory but i’m having great trouble with the:

0 1 0 1 0 0 10
(sorry the formatting won’t let me show it properly)

mostly i can’t move my hand properly from down by position 5 up to 1

Have found it easier to start playing with the yubikake and my stickers and am getting my finger stretched more.

Is this something that will come with practice or is position 1 a bit awkward?
i can also see the next part going from 6 to 3 awkward, if it’s more and a couple of positions going upwards it’s hard…

The precision to move fast between notes comes with practice, don’t worry! Position 1 can feel awkward but you are not doing it wrong, you just need more experience. I had a lot of trouble with the 3100 3100 phrase on ni-no-ito in the beginning, feeling that the thick tenjin joint was stupid, but that problem is no more and I can’t say I started doing anything specific to get rid of it.

So just hang in there!

Nuts, I got the Sakura crash course all completed. All I need is Luke to set up the infrastructure to host it.

thanks guys, yeah the position 1 seems so awkward compared to the others.

Kyle: no Nuts-ing, i need all the help i can get, i’ll probably find it even easier with something visual to follow. Not to mention i’ve been looking forward to that since it was mentioned.
bats eyelashes at Luke pretty please infrastructure host?