Birthday present for myself.

Nov 4 is my b-day.
Got myself a set of shamisen with bachi and koma (seem to be Jiuta type?). Arrived early.

Finished building the skin stretcher and clamps.
The clamps is a simplified version of the wire kissen. It is hard for me to chisel out details without knowledge on woodworking. Let see if this going to work

The skin stretcher. The bottom frame is out of proportionally longer visually because I trace the dou of Nagauta which is smaller than Tsugaru. Was not on my mind till I finished half way for the upper frame.

I saw some of this during sunset without much light. The lines started getting sloppy.

Now I just need to get the skin and some wedge(s).

That’s awesome man! Oh, and Happy Birthday!

The tongues on the many legged piece are oriented with the weaker axis of the grain - I would try tensioning the whole jig before the skin is applied - I worry one or more legs might snap off. That would be a drag if you were in the middle of the actual skin stretching.
Still, very impressive bit of chiseling - I hope it does hold up! Let us know, please.
And, harmonizing with Kevin (mine is bass voice): Happy Birthday to You!