Biwa Repairs

Glad I found this site…

Awhile back I purchased a Biwa from a flea market for $40!! However, it is missing two frets, two pegs, and some of the decorative bridge fittings are gone. Any idea where I can get these replaced?

Hey i could craft those missing parts for you (just kidding) all i can send are greetings … welcome to the forum … would say 40 is cheap enough to try improvising something on it even if you lack woodworking experience … a professional repair (general violin maker could do that also if you explain the instrument to him) is probably expensive as in rather improvising yourself with this one to make it playable for some practice and rather saving the money for a complete instrument purchase later on … Just my 2 cents and outlook from a similar shamisen i got that is cool enough for some playing but that i might never beable without crafting skills to restore to something on the same level as a complete professionally made one … :slight_smile:

Great find. I wish I can find myself a biwa someday.

Hey Nick,

Welcome to Bachido! Wow, that’s an incredibly lucky score. From what I can tell, that biwa looks in great condition (besides the missing itomaki) A $40 well spent!

I agree with BH. If you have some basic woodworking abilities, you could try making the parts by hand. That would be a good start to get your biwa functional again.

Later on, if you find that you would like professional parts installed, that could be done but would be quite expensive. I’m sure a regular luthier could make suitable parts if he/she knows the principle behind the bridges and such.

Again, congratulations on your fine biwa! :slight_smile:

If you are anywhere near San Francisco/San Jose Bay Area, I could look at it and give you an estimate.