Need some input from experienced folks. Have not started the main shamisen yet until Christmas present projects are done. Have started some component items. I made the lower section out of hickory and the upper is made from buffalo bone. (can’t bring myself to buy ivory even if there was a legal source. Our beloved elephants are in too much trouble ) This still need a lot of file work to make them more delicate. Will the buffalo bone sound even remotely similar to ivory?
Regards to all.
This is something I’m interested in doing, myself. I don’t think the buffalo bone will sound like ivory (they have different densities) but I don’t think that’s a bad thing. You could end up with a completely new sound. Probably a warmer tone.
Thanks for the response Laura. I think you are probably correct. I fully expect to end up with several Koma before I’m done and will just experiment a bit. I will also probably install a Sawari at some point, which I believe will harden the sound a bit.
lovely koma!
I just go for the “stick-look” with my koma, I go more towards the warmer yet… different sound that comes from my shamisen with the koma on it.
Thanks for the reply Cana. I’m sure that I will try several different sounds when I actually get to playing. It costs almost nothing to make a new Koma configuration. I’m also going to try to keep the skin fairly tight when i skin the Dao. Regards.
although I am a true fan of the “stick-look” of Cana’s koma I think yours looks cool too Phil
Thanks B H. I have since shortened the profile and thinned it down. Like it much better. Scared to death I was going to break it while filing it!!