Broken Shamisen Skin On One Side

Hello all. I would like to begin playing shamisen, and I found one on eBay for a really good price, but the skin is broken on one side of the body. I am not sure what type of skin it is, but I believe it is a Nagauta shamisen. This may be a really stupid question, but would I be able to just turn the body around and play on the side that is still intact? I know the sound quality will be pretty bad, but I just want to get a feel for the instrument and eventually get a new one. Also, is there a way to repair the skin without completely replacing it? Thank you so much for your help!

Hey Michael, Welcome to Bachido.
So, if turn the dou upside down, it will be playable, but the neck may not connect flush to the body and that’s not good. But if you have no other choice and you’re desperate to play shamisen, you can give it a try!

I’ve seen people trying to fix the skin by putting tape or some bachigawas over the space that is ruptured, depending on its size, but I wouldn’t recommend that. In order to obtain the best sound, you’ll need to completely replace the skin.

I think bachido veterans can give you more information.

If you’re willing to replace the skin but has a tight budget, you may talk to Jessica (in the shop, it is the alternative kawahari).

Hope I’ve helped.

That does actually help a lot! I haven’t actually received the shamisen yet, and I just wanted to get some opinions before I actually bought it. I didn’t realize that the dou had a specific playing side because the pictures made it look like it was identical on each side. Also, thank you for the tips on getting the skin replaced. I really appreciate your help!