Buying versus Making

Thank you guys sooo much! I looked at ebay but wasn’t having much luck but I think once the new synthetic skin shamisen comes out I think i’ll just get that, it should be great for beginning. So again thank you guys so much!

Hey guys i’m new to the shamisen world and would love to play this beautiful instrument. I’ve just been wondering for my first shamisen should I build my own shamisen or buy one? Thanks!

Hey Aidan,

don’t doubt that the instructions in Kyle’s book are enough to build one but my advice is to buy a used one so you can get a feel for how it really works and how it feels, plus it would give you something to reference whilst you were making one.

Thank you Liam! I will take your advice, I can’t wait to start learning.

Just a quick question though, is there any specific places on the internet that you recommend for buying a used shamisen?

try ebay? other than that… good luck haha

Kyle will be returning from Japan soon and he mentioned that there will be loads of news for the store. Among them should be the new synthetic skin. I THINK that it is aimed for the lower end models.

If the sound is good enough, that might be an option for you. Bachido used to have a used instruments department as well, but Masahiro the supplier had to stop with it because you needed permission. It might come back in the future, you’ll have to ask Kyle about that one.

wait so there’s going to be more selection in the store when Kyle comes back!? :smiley:

I think so but it’ll take some time. Don’t know if they are ready to deliver yet, but they said they were taking pictures.

i sooooo wanted to get a synthetic skin but i’ve already ordered a goat and a calf XD

I completely agree with Liam. Having a shamisen not only gives you a reference as you build one, but being able to play on in the meantime will make the building experience even more enjoyable.

Karl: Yeah, the synthetic skin will be the best when we’re able to make the dirt cheap shamisen. :slight_smile: The shamisen it’s currently attached to is a mid-range shamisen.

Oh! About the Chuko sales thing! Masahiro got the permit for selling used shamisen, so we can bring back. Actually, he showed me a very nice chuko Chuuzao shamisen which he was wanting to sell. I’ll get pictures for it and put 'em up. :slight_smile:

Amanda: I don’t think the skin will be sold as a material, only as part of the shamisen. :-S We’ll see though.

Welcome to Bachido! :smiley:

It all depends on your budget.
If there was no way in the world for me to buy one, (assuming I had a previous interest), and Kyle’s book was available, I would try and build one.
Otherwise, I suggest saving up to get a nice mid level one and go from there.

Thanks for the advice Grant, i’ll certainly be looking forward to the Chuko sales!