Can I install Minyo style itomaki on a Jiuta style shamisen?

I just bought a Jiuta style shamisen. But, I want to try upgrading the itomaki. I do have some spare itomaki that I think are Minyu style (20 mm). So if I configure it correctly, would it be fine to install Minyu style itomaki on a Jiuta style shamisen?

Itomaki sizes may correlate (very) roughly with genre, but generally the only barrier to use is the question

“Will they fit?”

And the answer to that is unknowable without trying - since there are multiple sizes!

This is a screenshot from wagakkimedia’s store. It show the various sizes of itomaki and how they correlate with genre. Note that all of the chuuzao are lumped together, and may have anywhere 5分7厘 ~ 7分5厘 sized itomaki.

As long as it’s not smaller than the itomaki on the Jiuta, then I’ll probably ba able to get it to fit