Hi! I am excited to finally learn the Shamisen and I have saved up money to finally afford one! I also have a friend of mine who is interested in learning the Shamisen with me so we can have duets together! However, due to the Coronavirus (CoVid-19) making us lose our jobs, we are low on money now, and have decided to not buy the more expensive ones (like the Sakura) until later on down the road.
But we have enough money for the Shamibuddy and the Beginner’s Shamisen, but we have several questions.
1.) I assume most people here have either one of those, so we’re interested in your thoughts on it. We would prefer very specific opinions on each part of them.
2.) We have been eyeing down the Shamibuddy’s mostly though since they have such a low price tag, but do they any major drawbacks?
3.) I do know for a fact that they are both the smallest size (Naguata), but we want to try every style of Shamisen playing, including Tsugaru. Would Tsugaru be alright with either of these Shamisens? If they both work, which one will be best for Tsugaru?
4.) If we settle on one of us having the Beginner, and one having the Shamibuddy, would they both sound good together in a duet?
5.) We have very musical friends, many of which play guitar and violin, would these Shamisens sound good playing together with any other instrument?
That concludes my questions for this topic. Thank you for responding!