Clean the Skin of the Dou

Hey Folks at my favourite Shamisen Site :slight_smile:

The Skin on the lower Side of my Bachigawa is getting some yellowish colour… which not really looks nice. Any Ideas if I could do something about this and turn it white and shiny again? Thx alot if you have some :slight_smile: Andreas

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Have you tried a white gummy eraser?

I cleaned a Banjo skin once with some facial tissues (I don’t know exactly what it is called in english). I was thinking “skin is skin and clean is clean” but to be honest even if it turned out pretty good I wouldn’t do it again on my new Shamisen. That Banjo was some cheap fleemarket souvenir. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hm the eraser was a good tip, but it didn’t help much on the yellowish stuff. I bought this shamisen second hand, possibly it was in a smoking household…