Destroyed bachi!?

Bloody hell, I have terrible luck with bachi’s! Has THIS ever happened to anyone?!

This happened while playing. It just fell apart from the joint after a tataki.

Anyone has any suggestions on how to fix this? Epoxy maybe?

It’s the first time something like this happened but not the first bachi I’ve pulverized, so I’m wondering if it’s not an issue with my playing technique?

Any help would be appreciated!

I feel sorry for you. I broke mine just a few days ago. It would seem the bachi are structually weak at that place.

But I dropped mine tip first onto a stone floor so I feel that it was natural. A bachi shouldn’t break like that when playing normally though. Did you get it through Bachido? Maybe it falls under the insurance.

Oh ouch! But it’s strange how both seem to have broken at the same spot.

Yeah I got it through Bachido. I’m not sure if I have an insurance on it, I wouldn’t think so.

Mine has cracks at this spot, so it only a matter of time until mine will break like this.
If it was more recently bought it should have insurance to be replaced.

Kyaa~… I don’t know which is more frustrating. The fact that these bachi cost so much and break, or the fact that the makers seem to realize it and not try a different material.

Calvin, I got in touch with Nitta san about your bachi, and will have some news for you soon. All will be well. :slight_smile:

Steven, you’ll be covered too. First though, if possible, I’d try squeezing some superglue into those cracks to hopefully prevent any further cracking.

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Thank you very much Kyle!!

If it costs anything to replace it, let me know, I really don’t wanna Bachido to pay for that!

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Waa! That’s awesome Kyle!

I’d been kind of babying the bachi lately. I’ll try to get superglue into the large crack, the smaller ones are actually from below and haven’t cracked-up to the surface yet.

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The pink one that I bought started to separate at that exact spot. Mike told me to stop using it immediately and try to get it fixed.

I fixed it myself. I ran some Gorilla Glue (NOT the white glue - the other one that looks like amber) under the separations, clamped the whole thing together and left it for two days (to be sure the glue dried completely. It was pretty rugged looking after gluing, so I got sanding buffers, and started sanding with 600 grit strips and worked my way up to 2000 grit strips. After that I used a nail buffer that I originally bought for my nails - but they work great on bachi!

My bachi is all pink and purty again, and more importantly, there has been no more separation. (Although, I’m keeping a VERY close eye out for cracks and such).

Kyaa~… I don’t know which is more frustrating. The fact that these bachi cost so much and break, or the fact that the makers seem to realize it and not try a different material.

Same story as with light bulbs I guess.

Has anybody tried laminating them with glass or carbon fiber?

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Man…that sucks.

I dunno if this would work but I wonder if that problem would decrease if you put your thumb way more down right to the tip of the bachi much like Nitta san does when playing. I have been trying it this way for technique reasons but I can see how it would also take almost all the pressure off the place where your bachi broke. It’s a bit awkward at first but I quite like it now so maybe you could consider it in the future?

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As an FYI for to anyone this happens to… I manage to glue the bachi back together with some regular super glue. I’m not sure how long it’ll last, but I’ve been able to play with it!

So I guess depending on how it breaks, it can be fixed, at least for a while.

It should last until I receive the replacement (I hope) otherwise I’ll have to use the ice scraper again :wink:

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