DIY doukake at Bachido?

While zooming around the net I discovered that there is such a thing as a DIY plastic doukake base & tenjin cover (example by Yuzu-san ). Does Bachido ever stock them?

I know that there are directions to build a doukake from scratch in Shamisen of Japan, but:

  1. It assumes you already have a shamisen.
  2. You don’t mind your shamisen being unplayable for a while.
  3. You only want to paint/lacquer one doukake at a time.

A plastic base from which to start would be awesome… :innocent:

Such plastic bases are made, but for some reason they are only made for tsugaru shamisen. I wish they were also made for nagauta/jiuta shamisen, as it makes painting much easier. For nagauta/jiuta shamisen, I think the base is made from layers of thick paper… or something, but I’ve never actually seen one made. :stuck_out_tongue:

While making my own doukake and doing some research on different methods, I’ve stumbled upon this:

They make a plastic doukake base by deep-drawing baked polystyrol on a premade dou-mold.
A pretty cool thing to do, aside from the smell I suppose. And you can easily paint and laquer it.
Downside is, you have to make at least one dou-part and build/buy a deep-draw box.

Another site suggested to make a mold out of epoxy-clay, where you just press the doukake you already own on a lump of self-drying clay and afterwards you can use it again and again.
I most certainly gonna try this the next month.
For my first try I went with the paper-maché method, which is quite okay, but I gonna make another one this weekend with gypsum bandages.

I’ll just reuse this thread for a few doukake related questions.

So here’s first try with gypsum bandages.
I thought it would be a good idea, but it turned out to be pretty crappy. Too porous and too many unwanted elevations which led to uneven layers of lacquer + I never spray paintes before, so it’s not really good looking. But still, sturdy as hell.

But for future tries, I think I’ll just stick with paper maché.
So I’d like to know if there is a recommended kind of paper for the doukake or a certain thickness that works best?
And what kind of lacquer works best with the cloth layer? Acryl, Epoxy or maybe something different?


Washi paper decorated with kimono patterns layered with starch on a hard form…?