Does anyone know how I can get this repaired

So I have been playing my shamisen for a while and I think it’s starting to rip. I moved away from Japan so I live out of the country. Does anyone know how I have get a new skin or get it fixed not in Japan? Thank you for your help. Until it is fixed is it ok to still play it with the little rip or no?

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I don’t suppose you have a bachigawa lying around? Putting one over that small a tear would extend the life of the skin. I don’t think you have to get it replaced but you’re the better judge since you can hear the difference in sound and feel the difference when your bachi strikes.

If you wish to take it to a professional knowing your general location (Europe? South America? North America?) will aid with recommendations.


Ah, I apologize for the late response I am in the UK now so Europe. I haven’t found anything problem with the sound quality. And speaking of bachigawa it actually started coming undone not to long ago so it came of :sweat_smile:. Thank you so much for your help

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The Shami-shop is based out of Germany and they offer repairs. I don’t know of any others in Europe (I’m in the US) but perhaps someone from the EU will chime in.

You can also find a good one in Spain.

I know that he built a shamisen as well that is quite a beauty.

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