So, I know there’s not really a standard tuning as far as absolute pitch, but it seems like most players that you hear on youtube use C tuning. Is this common among professionals, or is it more of a personal preference thing? The reason I’m asking is because I’ve been experimenting with different tunings on my shamisen, and I’ve had some very odd and interesting results.
I had been using C tuning since I got my shamisen last summer, and I hadn’t really gotten a feel for some of the positions. I was able to play, and I knew roughly where my fingers needed to go, but I couldn’t hear a note in my head before I played it. Often I would play a note and it would be slightly off from the note I wanted to produce.
Then, for some reason, I switched to A tuning, and the effect it had on my accuracy was amazing. Suddenly, I was hitting notes perfectly without any trouble. It’s the strangest thing. Not only that, but after playing for a while in A tuning, I switched back to C, and my accuracy went right back to the way it had been before I tried A tuning.
The only conclusion I can draw is that the tuning of my shamisen was actually affecting my ability to play. Whether it’s something to do with the shamisen (resonant frequencies of materials, maybe?) or with my own ability to perceive the notes, there seems to be certain tunings that are better or worse than others, at least in this case. Another thing I’ve noticed is that the sawari effect from the sawari yama is particularly noticeable in A tuning.
Is this a phenomenon that others have experienced? I’m interested to hear your thoughts on the matter.