Hi Bachido, hisashiburi…

hows everyone doing??

I would like to invite all the Bachido members living in Tokyo area for a concert in Asakusa…

My friend Tim and I will be performing on mainly Japanese instruments, koto, shakuhachi and shamisen, but also Indian tabla drums and Slovak flutes…

We will play a program full of modal tunes influenced by Indian ragas and Slovak and Japanese folk songs… So escape the xmas/new year madness and join the MODALMANIA!!!

hope to see some of you there…

Matej (aka Sid)

here is a link for the facebook page with more information:


Sunday 28 December 2014 /// 2014年12月28日(日)
open 開場:13:30 /// start 開演:14:00

in Asakusa @ AMUSE MUSEUM, 6th Floor Event Hall
アミューズミュージアム 6Fイベントホール 浅草2-34-3
浅草二天門隣 by the famed Asakusa Temple gate

advance 前売 2500円 /// at the door 当日 3000円
(1ドリンク付、税込) includes tax and 1 free drink

dynamic duo combines 90 yrs of music experience to present classical, folk, popular, sacred & original music of Japan, India, Slovakia, Russia, S America & more * 計90年間の音楽経験を生かす二人による日本・インド・欧米の古典・民俗・宗教・流行・創作の演目で多彩な新年を迎える

T M Hoffman of USA/Japan/India ティ・エム・ホッフマン
Tenjiku shakuhachi/koto/vocal/tabla tarang/other
米国出身、アジア40年。ピアノを4歳より、尺八を人間国宝山五郎に、インド古典声楽・笛・タブラーをインド最大音大とG・P・ミシュラに師事。1989年より世界的に演奏と教育活動。4ヶ国の大学を出て、武蔵野音楽大学や慶應大学、民族音楽講師22年間。音楽資料著作、国際企画も実施する。インド芸術連盟、日本外国特派員協会、米国インド学会、他に受賞。NPO日印音楽交流会25周年 www.ijmea.com

Matej Kolenic of Slovakia/Ireland/Japan マチェイ・コレニッチ
Arabic shamisen/Slovakian flutes fujara/vocal/other
スロバキアの伝統楽器フヤラの奏者、 スロバキア出身、アイルランドのコールク大学修士(民族音楽)。2006年よりフヤラ奏者として活動を始める。津軽三味線を学ぶ、 同時にワールドミュージックバンドJungle Beanの活動を開始。アイルランドのCork Jazz Festival, Culture Nightなどのイベント に出演。津軽三味線を通じて独自のアラビック三味線スタイルを生み出す。2013年から日本へ本格移住。

reservations/info ご予約、お問い合わせ: 03-5806-1181
Amuse Museum アミューズミュージアム (10:00~18:00)

Ohisashiburi, Matej!! Great to hear from you!

Man, that sounds wonderful! I rarely can refuse a free drink, but the distance is a bit tricky for me this time. I hope other Bachido members go! If so, take some pictures, please! :slight_smile:

I hope to see you in late June! (Details on ShamiCamp 2015 coming soon :slight_smile: )

Hi Kyle,

I have just checked the Bachido page after long time now. I see that you are on to many new projects lately, keeping yourself busy…thats great!! I read about the ShamiCamp, sounds awesome. I am not sure if I can be there for the whole lot, but will definitely come at least for some parts of it. Would not missed the opportunity to meet the creator of Bachido himself… Do you know how long you are gonna be in Japan and whether you will have some free time?? I might organize an extra concert for you and perhaps other Bachido members here in Yokohama, you were interested. cheers

Hi Matej,

Yeah, a lot has been going on here, and even more in the next two weeks! :slight_smile:

I’m thinking of going for 2~3 weeks. Unlike the past five trips full of pre-arranged schedules, this time I think I’ll make more free time to allow spontaneous shenanigans to happen. :slight_smile:

Absolutely!! There’s no way I’m gonna miss meeting the great Sid/Matej!! I think a concert would be really fun too! Kevin and Mike are gonna be at the ShamiCamp too, so there’s lots of possibilities. :slight_smile:

Let’s keep this in mind!

I’m interested in seeing video footage of this if there is any!

Hi Karl,
sorry to disappoint you but there wasn’t much recording done at the event, a few pictures but nothing worthy showing… despite the lack of audience, the concert went great tho, perhaps everybody was elsewhere getting ready for NewYear’s celebration or…

well ,here is a link of my friend Jack, of whom you have heard already am sure, to give you some other interesting video to watch instead…

Happy New Year to everybody!!

Aw too bad! Nice link! I actually met Jack in Hirosaki during the taikai!