Finally! a case worth mentioning.

I have created the first randoseru case made to the shape and size of a mitsuori shamisen! :slight_smile:

The design is to keep the rain an such off your precious shamisen.
and your shami books all safe and sound in the comfortably sized backpack.

It currently has no straps! D: I will need to find some.

It still needs some tidbits tidying up on it and a solution to a bend where water “might” be able to get in, but I will sort it out :smiley:

(sorry cana, been totally consumed by my psychology work to reply to you)

Looks great, if you have any tiny gaps, try some silicone sealent, smells a bit but is great for little leaks etc

oo Will do ^^ and thankyou

Awesome work, Cana! :slight_smile: Do you have hard foam inside or something to set the individual sao pieces into?

yep :slight_smile: my only trouble at the moment is I need a waterproofing solution to heavy sideways rain xD other then that once it has straps I can use it :slight_smile:

Good idea! That looks more convenient than the briefcase style cases.

For the straps you might be able to go to a surplus store and get two gun straps and rivet them to the back, or maybe cut the straps off an old backpack.