fliping over the dou

Is it OK to remove the neck and rotate it so that the back skin is now at the front? I just wanna check there is not something im missing but it seems fine right?

To answer my own question, the neck doesnt fit perfectly so its no good :frowning:

Ha, ha ! Your answer is right : it’s no good ! But why did you try this ?

My skin looks like it will break soon… so I was thinking to hit the other side instead ww

Ah ok. I see you are in Japan… It should not be too difficult to find a seller for a kawahari…

there is one 10 minutes away by foot… but money TT

Well, I see…

Aahh… If only shamisen dou could be flipped. I think all shamisen players wish for that. :wink: And because of that, I suspect shamisen makers intentionally make impossible in order to get more reskinning orders. (Though it seems a little crafty/cunning, reskinning is the main money maker in the shamisen world, so the skinners have incentive to make sure it fits on one way only.

On the other hand, the backside is often lower tension than the front side (because it’s main purpose is for resonation), so it would theoretically be impossible for both sides to provide the same experience. But still, it would be a nice way to hold off the expense for a while longer. :wink: