Hi all. I have been looking for a Shamisen on and off for a few years. Usually I get all into it, contact a few people on Etsy, give up when things don’t turn out.
As I see it my options are, a shamisen with a broken skin off of eBay, one of the intact ones I have seen on Etsy, A very inexpensive canjo version (also on etsy), or the beginner one offered on this website.
These are my options because I just don’t have the money for a more expensive one. I’m wondering if anyone here to give me some advice? For instance with the one offered on this website, the artificial skin is much more expensive. What is the difference practically speaking?
In the description of the less expensive skin, it makes it sound like it may come already torn and that there’s nothing to be done for that. That makes me very nervous about ordering it, but the price makes it very appealing.
Any advice is greatly appreciated. I love the sound of the instrument, and I’m fascinated by how difficult I’m finding it to even find one to mess around with.