and HI! I built a fretless 3 string thingy and someone on another forum suggested “that’s a shamisen” so I checked wikipedia for what that might be and after stumbling upon of course the yoshida brothers I eventually came across the cool site here . . .
so well I noticed that Huh or Hah shouts seem to be a common style element of shamisen tunes or performances and thought okay cool why not and I definitely like them
actually there’s what might be a similar thing in austrian folk music where the performer might do an occasional juschgaza which is sort of like woo-huh-huh-huh and got a bit of a melody to it and is basically an expression of excitement and happiness . . .
I don’t know who did the first juschgaza and how it became a popular element of more or less exciting song performances in the alps do you know who did the first Hah or whatever is the story of those totally cool shouts?