Halloween Ringo Bushi

Hey guys,

I filmed this yesterday before I went out for halloween, its my own take on Ringo Bushi. Please let me know what you think! Sorry for the bad quality, will upload a better one at some point. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

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hey, happy halloween! cool ringo bushi man!! heh and cool make up too…
havent been here on bachido long time, no time and access to internet at all…but every now and then i come and nose you all a bit…so hi everybody out there! keep the bachi bachiing! yeah!!!

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damn I had no halloween party this year but this makes me want to give finishing my shamisen another try I got the lesson and halloween clip to base my own interpretation of them apples on then . . .

AWESOME! That was the best Creepy Ringo Bushi Ever!
Backing track, musical additions/arrangement and of course Make Up! That was Crazy dude! You Da Man, Liam! Damn! I’d love to Jam with you sometime! Can you get on Skype ? I’ve jammed with some Bachido members over Skype and it actually almost sometimes kinda actually works! Fun stuff! Anyway let me know!

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Joseph - ha! Thats awesome, best approval I’ve ever had. where did you get that?

Sid - thanks dude! Its like being a 16 year old goth all over again lol

BH - do it man we wanna hear you play :smiley:

Kevin - Thanks man! Defo! I’ve just gone back into education (finally get to get music lessons yaaaay) and Ive got a busy week this week but please pm me and we will sort something, just annoying with the time difference, Although to be fair I live in near the northern quarter so my neighbours are all students and hipsters, they never complain about the noise :smiley:

More of this Liam :slight_smile: I like what you did with the arrangement, gives the song a totally new flavour. Go easy on the cymbal though :slight_smile:

Thanks Karl! :smiley:

Tadaima~!! Just got back from Oahu last night, finally got to watch this now.

That’s a sick Ringo Bushi, Liam! Don’t mean to sound cliche, but that sounds so metal! I mean the arrangement combined with the paint? Hells yeah! As Karl said, let’s hear more of this! :slight_smile:

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oh awesome ^.^… also jamie likesiiiit (hes typing on my keyboard) D:

Thanks Kyle! Thanks Cana! Kool I’ll get working on another one then :smiley: