Hi once again, long time no speak

just a general shout out / hello guys from me in the uk.
Long story short i had to sell my shamisen at the end of last year and haven’t been able to afford to replace it since, i know i dropped off the face of the planet Cana…
So hi from UK
can anyone keep eyes open for nagauta mitsuori shamisen in okay conditon who might take layaway (i’m hoping to get back in!)



wow that was fast XD thanks, will take a look now

Or save a lil and just go for the Sakura on the Bachido store which looks to be pretty amazing. Thats what I did :smiley:

haha you got it! :slight_smile:

yeah i was pretty heartbroken when i sold the one i was learning on, it was OLD and had a beautiful voice
Thanks Edgardo :slight_smile:

Kora, Shamisen and a glimpse into the Thai world of Catherine <<< Check out this post in the forum its a Bachido member thats making some awesome ones and are for sale.

Glad to hear from you again here Amanda!

Thanks Boss! hope you’re okay and doing fine!

Edgardo, thanks so much for the shout out!
For sure, Amanda, have a look. Maybe there’s some way I can help out. If there’s something that you might like, please let me know. I’m trying to be flexible in my pricing and I might well be able to spread the cost out over a number of months or something. Cheers and however it goes, here’s to getting back into shamisen playing!
here’s the link, if you need it.

Hey! I think I was the one who bought your shamisen Amanda. Don’t worry, its being taken cared of :smiley:

hi catherine, will check it out when i’m more with it thank you.
Hong Luu - hi there, how are you finding it?