How It's Made: Sanshin

This video is from a Japanese version of the TV series “How It’s Made” called “ZA MEIKINGU” (The Making). The Japanese is pretty easy to follow as it’s aimed at kids, but it still manages to show a lot of interesting differences between how shamisen and sanshin are made.


Oh man, excited to check this out. Thanks for sharing!

Thank you for sharing, Gerry! Wow, that was very fascinating. Watching how the dou is made certainly puts ideas into my head for easier ways to make shamisen dou.

When I first saw the guy nailing the lightly stretched skin and letting it dry, my first thought was, “you’ve got to be kidding me!!” Then I realized it was just an initial stretch, not the final. :wink:

This is great!

yeah. the dou joints looked like they would really make the whole thing a lot easier (for me at least). also, the temporary wooden peice for the koma was interesting. I’ll probably end up making a makeshift version of it before i skin mine XD

Holy Sanshins! This is gonna definitively help me.

Sad news guys, in march 19th, Noborikawa Seijin died. He was the king of sanshin and is now a legend in minyo

Hey Folks. Does any of you have the measurements on the rough sao,or some templates?
Thanks (-: