From my Profile:
My great grandmother taught shamisen in the Kabuki theatre and to geisha in Fukuoka, so I was familiar with traditional Japanese music, but I truly fell in love with shamisen music last year at Taiko Gathering in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles. They were playing this amazing music over the loudspeakers, so I Shazamed it, and found the Yoshida Brothers. Except for some taiko groups (On Ensemble, Taiko Project), I hadn’t heard too much Eastern and Western fusion before. I loved it!
I bought the album standing right there and downloaded it to my phone. That album has more plays than all of my other albums put together. When I heard that music, I thought then and there that I would like to play shamisen for my taiko group (Togen Daiko, Oxnard CA), but even more for myself. I have a bit of an advantage, I have been a musical comedy performer and a guitar player for cough cough 40 plus years, but I’m new to the shamisen. I’ve been playing about six months now, and I can stumble through Koroishi Yosare Bushi, and Rokudan, and a few others well enough now. I think (hope) I could perform the slower pieces by summer.