Huge Problem on the "Tuning Pegs".

Hi, everyone,

Recently, my grandfather went to Japan and brought me a, I think, Nagauta Shamisen. But it happens that the tune peg was so hard - I mean, physically hard - that, when I was trying to tune it, it broke it apart. How can I proceed? I mean, I live in Brazil where I can’t find such things, and also here in Bachido’s webpage I cound’t find the tune peg alone to buy.

P.S. Sorry for my bad written english, I do hope it was comprehensible.


Unfortunately we all need the experience of breaking something before we know how much something can handle :confused: I’ve broken quite a few guitar parts by using too much force and at least you now know the limit of when a tuning peg can break.

The tuning pegs are made to fit the one exact shamisen it is going to be inserted into. That’s why you can’t buy them in the store.

Can you send us an image of the broken peg? It is possible that you can get it glued back together by a wood craftsman depending on the damage.

Otherwise you would need to find a craftsman who can make you a new one that fits your instrument. Considering getting materials etc it might be better to travel to Japan and get it fixed. But if someone can help you they will probably answer you here.

Hi Yuji. Karl is right, all of us broke something before understanding the right way…
If there is no solution in Brazil, maybe it would be easier to send the tenjin (if the sao is mitsuori it is even simpler) to a Japanese craftsman who can make an itomaki that fits…

I’d think Brazil has some tropical hardword available, and Kyle’s book would have instructions for making (also the) itomaki.

Hello Yuji!

Firstly, welcome to Bachido!

Sorry to hear that your itomaki broke. Fortunately though, it’s an easy part to replicate, and any furniture/instrument maker should be able to reproduce an itomaki for you, and fit it in perfectly. It took me only an hour to make one itomaki from wood (and it could be made faster by someone with more experience).

So in short, I recommend having an itomaki made locally! The itomaki is the easiest part of the shamisen to reproduce! :slight_smile:

Wow. Thank you all for those fast and heedful replies!

Pao de Ferro da um jeito, eu acho. Onde em Brasil? Este fabrica tem a madeira e machinas p’ra fazer itomaki:
mais um carpinteiro local e pequenho pode fazer-lo tambem mas barrato.

Desculpa meu Portugues - ja passou 40 anos desde estava falando. Oxala que voce entendera.

Obrigado, Tomo Hamel!