In Tokyo - Need Skin

Hey fellow Shamisen players. I moved to Tokyo in February, picked up a Shamisen, but it needs skin. I researched the prices online and they range from 35000 yen to 65000 yen or so to apply new skin. I’m willing to go the synthetic skin route due to it lasting longer and can be stretched tighter. Can someone point me to a reputable person who can reskin my shamisen? I’ve read a lot of horror stories about people getting ripped off in Japan by people who did a sloppy job and then charged an arm and a leg. Thank you for your assistance. I also play Sanshin, which has real snake skin and is not in need of repair.


The Shamisen I picked up the other day came with a bag full of extra strings, bridges and an ivory bachi. It’s actually real ivory and the whole lot appears very old, but in excellent condition. I can play the shamisen with a tear in the front and back skin using the practice bridge that sits on the wood. It’s not loud, but I can at least play it until I can get some new skins on it. I would be willing to reskin it myself, but I don’t know where to get the wooden skin stretching device.

I would want fibersen skin for its durability and way good enough and better than earlier plastic skin sound qualities . . . at least that is the conclusion I got to from earlier discussions on the forum and a couple of videos too . . . surely Kyle Abbott would know about local or mail order options as for this too . . .

Hey Chris,
Long time no see! Good to hear from you. Hands down, the most reputable place is Shamisen Katoh. I would heartily recommend going there to have your shamisen reskinned, or just to say hello. Katoh san is a super nice guy and very supportive of foreigners rocking the three flavored strings.

As BH says, for the synthetic route, Fibersen is the way to go for clarity and durability. ( It’s only flaw is that it is sensitive to heat, so it’s best to keep it inside your air conditioned room on those hot August days.

I read in your profile, " I want to play it like Penny plays his Shamisen." Being that you’re in Tokyo, any chance you’d like to join ShamiCamp next month? Mike Penny will be coming all the way from Los Angeles to teach there, as well as eight more amazing shamisen masters. :slight_smile: (

Kyle and BH, thanks for your suggestions. Does the store recommended in Tokyo have the fibersen skin or do I order it from Bachido only? I just don’t want to wait for international shipping if they have it here in Japan. I’m going to make a few videos of me playing my shamisen with a kimono once I get the skin redone. Thanks and it’s great to be part of this friendly community. If you’re ever in Tokyo, let me know.

Also, I won’t be able to attend the camp, maybe next time…

Unfortunately, it’s not easy to find places that reskin with Fibersen, especially now that the manufacturer stopped producing it (due to overall lack of demand from schools). But our contact still has sheets of Fibersen in reserve, thus we can still do it. Through Bachido, you’ll simply send the dou to my partner Nitta san in Sapporo. No international shipping required. :slight_smile:

Sorry you can’t make it to the camp, but it would be great to meet you in Tokyo!

Kyle, I’m trying to make it to at least one day of the camp, but if that doesn’t work out due to my work schedule or something it would be cool to meet you and the others in Tokyo. Are you coming to Tokyo this time?

I’ll check out the Sapporo route. Thanks my friend!