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I’m a new member of bachido, I have discover this site too late I’m afraid…I have purchase a “shamisen” on ebay and in the moment I don’t see there is no sawari yama, I think it’s a sanshin “made in china” make to look like a shamisen but the “kamigoma” is a simple piece of plastic which take the three strings like a sanshin…

I want to try something but I don’t know if it’s possible.

I see in the store inConstruction/Repairs in fittings and parts, a kamigoma with a piece of wood, this one : Kamigoma (Nagauta/Jiuta) and I want to know if I can install this piece from your store to my error shamisen :slight_smile: I want to change the Neo and the strings to, I want to buy a koma ( Bekkou koma I like the sound ! ) and some details for making a good instrument…if it’s possible…It have a good sound but for tsugaru…bof as we say in french !

I wait for answers and say in french : le shamisen c’est terrible !

Thank you and talk with you soon.


PS : sorry for my bad english :slight_smile:

Hey Sebastien,

The kamigoma in the store you mention is actually just a solid piece of metal; there is no wood piece. As for installing it on your shamisen, I would get some photos of your current sao and post them here so we can see what you have. Then we can assist how best you should install it.

Thanks for joining us~!


PS. Your English is actually really good :wink:

Hello !

sorry for my late answer, I’ve take pics of the shamisen I’ve bought

Here the “kamigoma” :

Here the body of the instrument :

You can see the high quality koma ! …lol

and here the shamisen in totallity :

So if you can help me you’re welcome ! :slight_smile:


(Images edited by Luke.)

Removing the cloth around and replacing it by a dou gomu, changing kamigoma, strings, neo and koma would be a first step. Everything is available in The (nagauta/jiuta) kamigoma proposed is standard but will have to be cut to fit. That’s easiy done. Good luck.

Hello :slight_smile:

Thank you for your answer, I’ll do that in the beggining of the new month.
I was thinking, maybe it is possible to add a Sawari En to this shamisen but I don’t know if the… in french : largeur of the handle is the same as the sawari en. The buzzing effect is very missing on the ichi no ito.
For the gomu I have that already so it’s ok :-).

For the Sawari En someone knows perhaps ?

Thank you and please to talk with you.


Edit : If I can install a sawari en i have to put a kamigoma for tsugaru minyo no ? and of course i have to cut it certainly.
For installing the sawari if it’s possible i have a friend who work with the wood so it’s perfect

Doesn’t look so bad this thing except i have never seen such a kamigoma that looks strange indeed and probably it is the most important thing to replace

That is certain ! :slight_smile:

the neo looks to be made of loose string o.O and the kamigoma is blocky! D:

I’d say this is all completely fixable though, atleast the dou isnt in the shape of a square or a triangle. its in the right squircle shape. I would keep the wrap around the dou~ sure it makes it look like a giant sanshin but hey! Its convenient, stylish and practical. It would keep the sweat off the skin edges, keep instrument from slipping off your leg, and act as a nice little coat for your shamisen.

The kamigoma seems to have been put there with normal glue~ so you should be able to take it off without much effort.

You bought a nice piece :smiley:

le shamisen c’est terrible ! tout a fait !!

Ah super un français ! :smiley:

Désolé c’est malpoli de ma part sur un forum où on parle anglais de parler autre du coup alors j’en profite pour vous demander :slight_smile:

Si je prend un kamigoma pour tsugaru que je le coupe si besoin pour l’adapter et que je fais passer dans mon manche un sawari en ca pourrais le faire vous penser ?
En changeant le neo, les cordes et le koma bien sur.

Merci d’avance et à bientôt :slight_smile:


En français exceptionnellement (je pense aussi que ce n’est pas très correct, car sur Bachido il y a des gens de toutes nationalités et la règle est l’anglais) : tout est possible, mais il faudra s’assurer que l’épaisseur du manche convient bien à un sawari en. Pour le reste, rien de très compliqué. Bon courage.

Exceptionally in French (I also think this is not fair, as on Bachido there are people of all nationalities and the rule is English) : everything is possible, but you should ensure that the thickness of the sao is suitable for an En Sawari . For the rest, nothing very difficult. Good luck.

un français qui connait seulement depuis peu le shamisen. je vois que vous avez acheté un Sanshin et que vous voulez le transformer en shamisen tsugaru. la chose me parait un peu aventureuse et il faut une certaine maitrise de la lutherie pour adapter un instrument pour en faire un autre.
je ne veux absolument pas vous décourager mais je pense qu’il serait plus judicieux de vous procurer un shamisen, au moins un nagauta, ce sont les moins chers sur le marché et de l’adapter pour en faire un tsugaru. la chose serait plus simple.
qu’en pensent les autres membre ?
bien amicalemnt et … vive la France ! ^^"

a French knows that only recently the shamisen. I see that you bought a Sanshin and want to turn it into Tsugaru shamisen. the thing seems a little adventurous and it takes a certain mastery of the violin to adapt an instrument to make another.
I absolutely do not want to discourage you but I think it would be wiser to get a shamisen, at least one nagauta it is the cheapest on the market and adapt it into a tsugaru. the thing would be easier.
about the other member?
and well amicalemnt

Yes thank you for the answer :slight_smile:

For the thickness of the sao and the sawari en it’s need to be verified…what’s the thickness of a tsugaru ? and if possible the longer of the sawari en ?

Thank you in advance !


For the length of the En sawari, I think Kyle could easily answer.
By the way, Angus, it is not at all a sanshin that Sebastian has bought. It is a kind of chinese shamisen (not so far from a nagauta, you can see the pictures). Impossible to transform this into a tsugaru shamisen, but he can improve a lot of things. He can increase the buzz with an En sawari and adapt the kamigoma to that change… For the neo, the ito and the koma, no problem.

un français qui connait seulement depuis peu le shamisen:-) a French knows that only recently the shamisen:-).bien amicalemnt

j’aurai du m’abstenir de répondre , j’en suis désolé.
de plus le shamisen me prend trop la tête… je vais laisser tomber cet instrument et retourner vers ce que je connais déjà.

I will refrain from answering, I’m sorry.
shamisen takes me too head (making head) … I’ll drop this instrument and return to what I already know.

DO NOT GIVE UP ANGUS ! We all went through. The shamisen is a totally addictive and emotional instrument ! The path of each of us is filled with this kind of mishaps, it’s nothing serious. Above all, do not give up !

Ah merde une grosse baisse de motivation ? :frowning: c’est dommage ça je trouve justement que quand on apprend a jouer on apprécie ensuite quand on vois les progrès.
C’est clair que le bachi est stressant j’avoue, le mien est en bois pour commencer c’est bien chaud du c*l…lol

Oh shit we lose a companion , it’ s certain that when the motivation go away we can make nothing more but I think when we were learning to play an instrument we appreciate the progress when we see them.
But is clear the Bachi is stressful a little…lol mine is wooden one and for beggining it’s well f****g hot ! :slight_smile:

A little up for my topic ^^

No one can help me for the sawari en ? :frowning:


Sorry to jump in late. Personal assessment would be to first see if you can hack off the white “kamigoma” they have installed on there. However, the first problem I see you running into is that the opening where your ito rest is not wide enough to install any kind of “standard” shamisen kamigoma; “standard” tenjin have an opening of about 2.5-3 centimeters.

Notice the width of the opening:

So as it stands, you would need an over-haul of the tenji if you wish to install any kind of kamigoma.

As for the sawari en, you will still have to remove the white “kamigoma” as that your ito are very high off the face of the sao.

It may be cheaper/easier to just try replacing the tenjin completely if you can, or procure a new sao.

Sorry to hear you have trouble with Chinese “shamisen”, but I hope this does not deter you from continuing with the instrument. Best wishes and good luck!