Is it legal to have something made of Shitan wood shipped?

I’m thinking of using a proxy site to bid on a kokyu made of shitan, but the yahoo site says it’s a prohibited material. Since when? Is this new? I see shamisen on ebay made of shitan all the time.

Is it safe to bid on it?

Somebody could write down the scientific names (and are there several for one variety?), makes easier to decipher the official lists of forbidden items. You might need a certificate of origin if it’s a protected species…

I’d suppose the US is a signatory to many of the same treaties as the EU, but of course things may be a bit differently implemented.

Why not go to customs and check their documents?

I think Shitan is : indian rosewood - dalbergia latifolia.

Really?? That’s very odd. I think they’re mistaken. As Patrick says, Shitan is usually East Indian Rosewood, and it’s widely available. (You can easily get the raw material at lumber stores) Perhaps you could explain that to the sellers?

That’s what I thought, as well. I know theres a ban on brazilian rosewood now, but that’s not shitan.

I don’t think I would have been able to explain it since I would have had to use a proxy site to win the auction, since it was in Japan, and the item would have been shipped to the proxy company and then on to me. It’s a shame that’s the only way to bid on items on Yahoo Japan from the states. I could have had a 4 string kokyu for a couple hundred bucks, but unfortunately the auction has ended.

しょうがない ┐_(°_°)_┌