Thanks for replying.
This is how I hold my bachi:
Sometimes, it’s a little more up or down depending on the size and how much my pinkie is beginning to hurt.
As for my shmaisen, heres a video:
(Ignore the red bandage. I lost my yubikake, so I improvised)
I sometimes slouch halfway through and then try to correct myself. My left hand is definitely not how it should be, and that’s because this is how I feel comfortable doing it. I feel like the main reason as to why my technique is bad is because of comfort. I just end up doing what doesn’t cause me pain or what feels natural to me.
My bachi, I feel is also a problem. I only have two, the plastic one that came with my shamisen (now broken on both sides) and the wooden one I’m using in the video, which snapped and I leveled down so now it’s shorter. It’s also covered in resin for durability, but that likely just made it sound worse. I do not see myself being able to afford an acrylic or bekkou bachi anytime in the near future, so those will have to do.
Another big problem, and a reason for why I got used to flicking my wrist, is that I have no coordination. When trying to strike the ni no ito, half the time I’ll just end up striking the san no ito or not strike it hard enough out of fear of accidentally striking the san no ito. I’ve seen the coordination drill on youtube, and honestly I didn’t find it very helpful.
There’s also the issue that I don’t learn from online lessons. This whole time I’ve mostly been winging it and just trying to copy what I see and hear. Part of it is because I know that online lessons don’t work for me. There’s just something that’s lost in translation when trying to follow along, and no matter how many times I rewind or slow down, I just can’t understand.
There are no other shamisen players where I live, and it’s gotten to the point where I’ve contemplated whether or not I should try to save up to go somewhere where there are other shamisen players for at least a couple weeks so that I can learn in person with/from other people or even going as far as to tey my luck and seek an apprenticeship, because I feel like otherwise I’ll just be stuck at this stage forever. It’s been 2 years already, and I’ve barely moved past beginner.
I’m really sorry for all the info dumping. I’m just very tired at this point.