
I just got my Tsugaru Shamisen from Japan and looks great,. One problem though, 2 of 3 itomaki are broken, and must be replaced. Does anyone know someone who sells or makes itomaki that I can buy? Afraid I live in a small apartment so making my own is not an option. Price is not an issue. And if they are too thick I can fix that. I just need help finding replacement itomaki. Probably 3 so they match, but open to anything right now.

Never mind. Apartment small so no wood working, so I’m just going to cast mine in a polymer using the one itomaki that didn’t get broken as my form for the mold.

Hi Gary

Congratulations on getting your tsugaru shamisen! That would be cool to see some homemade polymer itomaki! I’m sure it will come out great. If possible, one trick they do is put a metal rod in the middle of the itomaki (especially the peg end), which adds extra strength. If possible, perhaps you can put a thick nail of something in the center of the peg for the same purpose?

Good luck! Show some pictures when you do it! :slight_smile:

Funny you should mention the rod, I had wondered about that before I started.I will try that after this practice casting, thought about also mixing the resin with mother of pearl and other decorative items as well. Another itomaki fix I’m trying is to bore out the broken itomaki and epoxy in a rosewood dowel and trim as needed.All and all should be interesting.I’ll post pics of the finished product when done.Down below is my poor itomaki before I start repair.

First attempt to cast resin itomaki. Need a better mold product.The three should work once cleaned up though for temps, till I get the new product.

witchcraft :slight_smile:

:-D! I second what BH says. :wink:

That would exciting to see what an itomaki would look like with mother of pearl (or abalone?) mixed in. If you got a really clean mold and solid piece made, I think some folks here (speaking for myself) would be very interested in some Henry brand Itomaki sets! :slight_smile:

very cool

One of the two rebuilt itomaki, on to casting replacements no

Nice! Are they made from wood, made from blanks?

They are the original Itomaki. I cut off the rest of the break, and drilled it out. I then epoxied in rose wood dowel, and trimmed it to shape. Colors a bit off still, but fully functional. When in the Shamisen you can’t tell without close inspection. Also just got all my gear so this week for fun I’m making a smokey black polymer set for back up. Now that I have my Tsugaru Shamisen working, so pleased.

Ah, that’s nice. Drilling it out and gluing in a new peg should do just fine, :slight_smile: Good work!

Looking forward to see your smokey black polymer set!

That’s really cool! Let us know how it sounds!