Ive started yay!

I started on my own shamisen. I am not so great at hand chisels, but I am ok with power tools… lol

Ooh!! Looking nice, Terry!! You’ve got a nice curve on them.

You may already have planned to do this, but remember to hollow out the inside of each piece. :slight_smile:

Eager to see more updates on your homemade shamisen!

Kyle does it really make that big of a sound difference if you don’t add the boning patterns? or are they really mostly for looks?

Nice work Terry! Be careful using the jigsaw like that - don’t want to lose any fingers! What kind of wood are you using? It looks kinda like poplar.

always safety first! I assure you. yeas Its popular! I always build my first instrument in popular cause its cheap and popular has a very nice tone to it…

Hey! looks Great Terry! Can’t wait to see the progress!