Just some vidyas

Hey, someone asked me to send them a video of me playing, so I figured might as well upload some things to YouTube. I was just playing around so they’re not super polished, but feel free to take a look if you like.

Tsugaru Jinku: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uT5Io6OJ56A

Rokudan/Jonkara Bushi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFdntKiV2_Q

Also, I’m not actually left handed. I’m just a cheapo shooting with my laptop’s built-in camera. sigh

Great playing Jamie! And by the way I followed your instructions and I went ahead
and sang along with the song part of Jongara. I belted it out at the top of my lungs and made sure to completely disregard my location and any surrounding fellow humans, but unfortunately I am off from work today so I couldn`t do it “At the office”.

Still fun though.


Awesome playing Jamie!

Oh snap… though I’m at “the office,” I had a mouthful of squid strips and beer in my mouth at the time of viewing and so couldn’t actually sing. I guess that’s no excuse. :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyhow, sounds really good. Can’t wait for all of us to get together soon! :slight_smile:

Thanks! Glad you like 'em! I’ll put a full version of Rokudan up sometime once I get around to it. I gotta work on me pinky technique, though.

Very confident playing!

Y’know, I’ve been trying to decide what song I should learn next. You made Tsugaru Jinku sound like so much fun I think I’ll try it! Thanks!

Thanks! It really is a fun piece. It’s nice and light, but it still has a few flourishes. I’m sure you’ll pick it up quick.