Keep children, it is a massacre

This is what I did to my beautiful nagauta shamisen wanting to increase sawari by digging the notch. I put some pulp wood to try to retrieve it, but it’s still disastrous, and still very little buzz (position 0) as I explained in another topic (that I started talking about fujaku). Ideas to get me out of sadness ? Go ahead you can laugh at my awkwardness…


ganbatte kudasai…

I assume you’ve moved the ichi-no-ito out of position to take the picture, right?

Of course, Jamie. I started with a very small notch and I enlarged enlarged until this bad result

I am not laughing as you suggested your post made me feel (a bit) less stupid for polishing all edges of the 3 sao pieces with steel wool so I have clearly visible gaps now where those sao pieces meet argh :slight_smile: obviously I can’t chip in advice as for your own mishap . . .

Well the problem is resolved : dead shamisen … to its left side. So right off the kamigoma and forced to play right or change shamisen. I choose the first option because I really want to keep it. So I pay my clumsiness but I breathe now. The shamisen-ya san did a very nice cosmetic work to hide my little silliness. Everything is fine now. Thank you all for your help.

Now now, Patrick, there’s nothing to laugh at. It’s all a learning process, as BH know for himself too. We learn from these things. :slight_smile: And fortunately, we can all take a sigh of relief, as it’s not that bad. :slight_smile: You can fill the notch/hole with a combination of fine sawdust and glue.

Or, you can put a drop of superglue in the notch and then sprinkle a layer of sawdust. After it dries, put another drop of superglue and another layer of sawdust. Repeat until you have filled the notch, and then you can try again! :slight_smile:

So nothing to worry about, Patrick! Unlike crashing a computer or device, it’s so easy to fix a wood project if you make a mistake. :slight_smile:

Anyway, Kyle I gave up, the shamisen-ya san did some nice work to hide the mistake and I decided to play right handed with the shamisen like it was when I bought it. Nice sound, sao ok and just a little more work for me. I see that like a sign… Everything is ok now. Thanks for your advice.